About Us
ENVISIA – Boards of Elite is a founding member of the IASE International Certifications Body – the International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE), the first Association in the world that will certify professionals in the field of ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance.
ENVISIA and IASE are sharing a common Vision of professionalizing the leading structures within companies – as IASE aims to be the leading international certification institution for all professionals in the field of ESG and thus help build confidence of companies, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders in knowledge, skills, lifelong learning, behavior and ethics.

Our History
Headquartered in London, UK, The International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE) represents the sustainability profession globally regarding standard-settings, and advocates on behalf of the profession to international organizations, governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations and civil society. In addition to ensuring compliance with best practice and certification standards it sets globally, IASE also provides the most relevant knowledge and resources in supporting and protecting the evolving public interest. We’re shaping a sustainable future. You need to be part of it!
Whilst the United Nations envisions a sustainable planet that benefits all who live in it today and in the future, IASE envisions that same world endowed with competent professionals in sustainability from all spheres of life – government, business, civil service, communities, NGOs – all working to guide the world towards this same singular vision.

Our History
Headquartered in London, UK, The International Association for Sustainable Economy (IASE) represents the sustainability profession globally regarding standard-settings, and advocates on behalf of the profession to international organizations, governments, businesses, non-governmental organizations and civil society. In addition to ensuring compliance with best practice and certification standards it sets globally, IASE also provides the most relevant knowledge and resources in supporting and protecting the evolving public interest. We’re shaping a sustainable future. You need to be part of it!
Whilst the United Nations envisions a sustainable planet that benefits all who live in it today and in the future, IASE envisions that same world endowed with competent professionals in sustainability from all spheres of life – government, business, civil service, communities, NGOs – all working to guide the world towards this same singular vision.

IASE, together with its member organizations around the world work together in a closely knit manner to achieve their shared vison and mission.

Envisia is a business organization delivering state of the art education, mentoring and advisory services towards EXECUTIVES and NON-EXECUTIVES DIRECTORS, through prestigious partnerships.
ENVISIA’s Mission is to foster exclusive, but vibrant Generations of Board Directors that embody Professionalism, Ethical Conduct and Responsibility, adding value to businesses and local communities.

Our Focus
ENVISIA actively promotes responsible corporate governance practices, preparing companies and its boards for the contemporary pace of unchartered challenges. Our activities focus on:
- building robust alliances and partnerships with prestigious partners, at national at international level;
- build a specialized curricula and a high-level trainers (and practitioners) portfolio, portfolio of programs & courses from best-in-class universities and business schools, with prestigious professors & lecturers, promote international professional certifications and qualifications and develop new ones at the national level having the same goal: responsible leadership & governance;
- building ENVISIA COMMUNITY of professionals that harbor and nurture the same social and collective values;
- create market awareness in Central and Eastern Europe; through its market campaigns, ENVISIA sits distinctly at the forefront of local and international business education, building on the importance of the professionalization of the Non-Executive Director (NED) role.

Our Focus
ENVISIA actively promotes responsible corporate governance practices, preparing companies and its boards for the contemporary pace of unchartered challenges. Our activities focus on:
- building robust alliances and partnerships with prestigious partners, at national at international level;
- build a specialized curricula and a high-level trainers (and practitioners) portfolio, portfolio of programs & courses from best-in-class universities and business schools, with prestigious professors & lecturers, promote international professional certifications and qualifications and develop new ones at the national level having the same goal: responsible leadership & governance;
- building ENVISIA COMMUNITY of professionals that harbor and nurture the same social and collective values;
- create market awareness in Central and Eastern Europe; through its market campaigns, ENVISIA sits distinctly at the forefront of local and international business education, building on the importance of the professionalization of the Non-Executive Director (NED) role.
Strategic Focus Areas
To achieve its’s mission, IASE engages in the following:

Setting Standards
IASE, in consultation with its global stakeholders, establishes and enforces compliance with the highest global professional and ethical standards for ESG practitioners as well as certification requirements for those aspiring to professional levels of practice. IASE certification marks are the standards of excellence for ESG professionals worldwide.
IASE works to develop these standards, certification requirements and body of knowledge so as to achieve commonality and harmony to the practice of the sustainability profession, even whilst recognizing country and regional specific differences.
Leadership and Advocacy
As the main international professional standards-setting body for the ESG profession, IASE community, on an ongoing basis, advocates and engages international and regional organizations, governments, NGOs, business leaders and civil society and any other relevant stakeholder groupings in furtherance of its stated vision and mission.

Recognition and Awareness
IASE community works to ensure that all stakeholders in the global marketplace place recognise IASE as the global standards setting body for the sustainability profession.
We also work on developing and executing global promotion campaigns aimed at positioning ISF and ISB certification marks as symbols of excellence for sustainability professionals.